AGROTECH BELGIUM is a high-tech company specialized in agricultural and agro-industrial engineering. Our company was incorporated in 1986, after ten years of intensive R&D.
AGROTECH BELGIUM has gained a worldwide reputation as the inventor and the manufacturer of the AGROMAT unit and the FRESH FODDER FACTORY. These technological equipments were granted a collection of prestigious Awards in first-rate international Exhibitions of Inventions, Research and Industrial Innovation. AGROTECH BELGIUM has developed more than 49 years of know-how in the hydroponic production of green fodder for animal feeding.

Besides our core business that is thoroughly explained on this website, we also provide our expertise and know-how in agriculture to assist important land owners and farm owners with a view to increase the productivity and optimize the return of their land or farm. Our intervention is generally based on a success fee or on shared profits. For more information about this part of our activities, please contact us.